» EKSA » Introduction of EKSA

Introduction of EKSA

MAMPU has undertaken the initiative to enhance the existing Public Sector 5S Practice in a rebranding exercise which introduced the Public Sector Conducive Ecosystem or better known as EKSA. This move is in line with efforts to strengthen the organisational culture of high performance and innovation among public sector agencies by providing a conducive environment, work culture and positive values for public servants. The rebranding is aimed at empowering public sector agencies to:
  1.  expand the implementationof Conducive Ecosystem in public sector agencies;
  2.  enhance their corporate image;
  3.  inculcate a culture of creativity and innovation in line with stakeholder’s   expectations;
  4.  promote efforts supporting the campaign to Go Green; and
  5.  ensure that auditing elements meet the needs of various public sector agencies.
EKSA includes the introduction of a new auditing model which comprises Generic criteria as well as Specific criteria which takes into account the diversity of government agencies. Previously, the one-size-fits-all concept which had been used was found to be inadequate in catering to the needs of all agencies. Thus, the improved EKSA criteria is able to conform according to the locality of the agencies.
In conclusion, the introduction of EKSA is meant to enhance the existing Public Sector 5S Practice with an emphasis on creating a conducive working environment.

Updated:: 12/07/2023 [ainzubaidah]